Visit of the MESRI of Senegal at csum
🛰 A few months before the launch of the 1st nanosatellite of the Republic of Senegal, GAINDESAT, Pr. Moussa BALDE, accompanied by his collaborators including the hashtag project coordinator
Spatial du Senegal – SENSAT Prof. Gayane Faye as well as the consular authorities of Senegal in Marseille, came to receive Senegal’s first nanosatellite manufactured by the team of Senegalese space technicians and executives trained in Montpellier. The launch of this nanosatellite called GAINDESAT is planned for March 2024 on a Falcon9 rocket, from SpaceX via RIDE! space.
This visit took place in the presence of Mr. Philippe AUGÉ, President of the University of Montpellier, François PIERROT, Vice-President for International Relations of the UM, Jean-Claude Gayssot, President of the FVA and former minister. The welcome was provided by Pr. Laurent DUSSEAU, Director of the
Montpellier University Space Center (CSUM) and the FVA.