Meeting of entrepreneurs from the space sector in Occitanie
Great meeting of entrepreneurs from the space sector in Occitanie in Montpellier, at the initiative of CLUB GALAXIE and the FVA. We could see a real synergy between the different economic players in the region to develop space activities and NewSpace.
The Foundation, a member of the GALAXIE Club since 2016, thanks to the leadership of the CSUM in the academic development of nanosatellites in France, has formed its own network and brings together its patrons around NewSpace activities. 60% of the Foundation’s patrons are based in Occitanie.
We are delighted to have accompanied two of our patrons, members of the FVA Partners Club, in their entry into the GALAXIE Club: GEOMATYS and Groundspace! Also, what a pleasure to see our patrons and friends present their activities: PORT DE SETE, SYMETRIE and TERAKALIS alongside other companies in the Occitanie Est region and the BIC of Montpellier. We also included Airbus Defense and Space and Expleo Group, who are among our Founding Members, and members of the Partners Club: Anywaves, CLIX INDUSTRIES, COMAT, UIMM Occitanie.
A big thank you to the personalities of the region who were present for this event, in particular Roger-Yannick CHARTIER, Montpellier, Ville, Métropole and CCAS and particularly Jalil Benabdillah, La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditionranée, for his unfailing support.
Thanks to Olivier Biscaye for hosting this meeting, to Midi Libre more broadly for his welcome and the signing of the collaboration agreement between Midi Libre and the Foundation. Thanks also to Catherine Lambert for her trust.