Review of the Paris international air show 2023, at le bourget
Our team was present at the professional days of the Paris International Air Show (SIAE), at Le Bourget, from June 19 to 22, 2023.
After four years of absence, the SIAE was back for the most beautiful meeting of sky professionals. The Van Allen Foundation (FVA) and the Center Spatial Universitaire de Montpellier (CSUM) were there alongside their patrons and industrial partners to represent space know-how made in Montpellier.
The opportunity in particular to consolidate our partnerships, welcome new patrons to the FVA or even plan new collaborations between the CSUM and industrialists from France and Navarre. Anchored in Montpellier for more than ten years, the Foundation and the CSUM continue to surround themselves with a myriad of French industrialists, with complementary profiles and skills. From its Founding Members (3D PLUS, AIRBUS, EXPLEO, LATECOERE) to its Partners Club (ANYWAVES, APEC, ASTREOS, CLIX INDUSTRIES, COMAT, GEOMATYS, GROUNDSPACE, MECANIQUE LAURENT, NANOXPLORE, NIMESIS TECHNOLOGY, PLUG IN, PROSIX ENGINEERING , RAKON, RESOLTECH, SDR TECHNOLOGIES, SODER, SOTREM SEO, SYMETRIE, TERNWAVES, TRAD TESTS & RADIATIONS, UIMM MEDITERRANEE WEST AND POLE TRAINING UIMM OCCITANIE), the Van Allen Foundation is supported by experts covering the technological fields of component design electronics at launches and much more.
Appointments were made between the team, our president Mr. Jean-Claude GAYSSOT, former Minister and Claudie Haigneré, astronaut (ESA), Sylvie Retailleau, MENSUR, Philippe Baptiste, President of CNES, Thomas Pesquet, astronaut (ESA), Jalil Benabdillah, Vice-President in charge of the Economy, Employment, Innovation and Reindustrialization of the Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée Region and many others… See you in 2025, for the next edition of the SIAE!