ROBUSTA-3A has been delivered to ARIANEsPACE
Our little ROBUSTA-3A has been delivered to ARIANESPACE which is taking care of its journey to the hashtag#CSG! Congratulations to the entire Fondation Van Allen – FVA and hashtag#CSUM team, who have been bringing this project to life alongside students for 10 years.
On this occasion, let’s go back to the last important test undergone by ROBUSTA-3A at the “J.B. BIOT” magnetic laboratory, Centre National d’Études Spatiales CNES‘s historic test facility; which brilliantly closed phase D of the project. Thank you to the experts from the CNES NanolabAcademy who followed and guided our team Stephane Fredon, Rémi Lapierre, Yann Le Huede and Nicolas Verdier. This involved studying the residual magnetic moment of the satellite and calibrating its magnetic sensor (magnetometer) to ensure that the attitude determination and control system (ADCS) works as specified. The measurements collected are very reassuring for ROBUSTA-3A operations in orbit, and validate the design and methods used on the CSUM’s 3U platform.
We would like to take this opportunity to warmly thank Airbus Defence and Space and CNES for their support for 10 years on this project.